The Fall Soccer program begins in August with preseason practice. Games begin the first weekend after Labor Day and continue through late October/early November. Some travel teams may participate in tournaments that extend the season into mid- to late November.
The Under-6 and Under-8 teams play 6 games during the fall season. All games are played on Saturday morning. The Under-8 program has a season-end tournament, which is generally held the last Saturday in October. The tournament is double elimination and provides the U8 players with the opportunity to participate in a competitive tournament environment.
The Under-9 and older teams generally play 8 games during the fall season. Games are held on Saturday or Sunday.
The Fall Soccer program includes team pictures (taken by Youth Sports Photo), the program's annual fundraiser (sub/sandwich sale), and NEYSA Night. NEYSA Night is held at a Northeastern High School varsity soccer game. All NEYSA players in attendance parade onto the soccer field prior to the varsity game. The event is intended to provide our NEYSA soccer players the opportunity to attend a varsity soccer game as a group.